Regular eye exams are an important part of maintaining good ocular health for yourself, as well as for your keiki. Annual exams allow our doctors to assess for any changes to your vision or the development of any eye disorders. Often times, your doctor can diagnose an eye problem even before you begin to experience symptoms. This early diagnosis is crucial as many eye diseases are treatable when caught early. Our doctors and Eyeglass boutique participate with most vision insurances which allow for an exam once a year.
A comprehensive eye exam, including dilation, is also required before prescribing glasses and contact lens prescriptions. Our doctors, licensed opticians, and staff are skilled at finding the right pair of glasses or contact lenses to suit your lifestyle. Our contact lens technicians are also specially educated at providing one on one contact lens training sessions for all patients – from pre-teens getting their first pair of contacts to adults who previously thought they could never wear bifocal contacts. With the range of different types of contact lenses now available, we can fit even the most complicated patients. Our staff review correct wearing schedules, proper lens hygiene, insertion and removal techniques, and contact lens care systems with every patient, making it the ideal place for patients new to contact lenses. We fit spherical, toric, multifocal, scleral, and rigid gas permeable lenses, to name just a few. Additionally, our doctors stay up to date on the latest in contact lens technology and will make suggestions for improving your ocular health based on the newest contact lens materials and brands available. We want your experience with contact lenses to be a positive one.